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来源:联合国 作者: 发布时间:2017-11-28



  A/RES/68/4 关于国际移民与发展的高级别对话宣言

  文件下载:A_RES_68_4 Declaration of the High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development

  A/68/190 秘书长关于国际移民和发展的报告

  文件下载:A_68_190 Report of the Secretary-General on International Migration and Development

  A/68/292 秘书长关于促进和保护人权的报告,包括促进移民人权的方法和手段

  文件下载:Report of the Secretary-General on the Promotion and protection of human rights, including ways and means to promote the human rights of migrants(无下载文件)

  A/68/178 秘书长关于对移民女工的暴力行为的报告

  文件下载:Report of the Secretary-General on Violence against women migrant workers(无下载文件)

  A/RES/68/179 移民保护Protection of migrants

  文件下载:Protection of migrants(无下载文件)

  A/RES/68/180 保护和协助国内流离失所者

  文件下载:Protection of and assistance to internally displaced persons(无下载文件)

  A/RES/68/137 对移民女工的暴力行为

  文件下载:A_RES_68_137 Violence against women migrant workers

  A/68/283 关于移民人权问题特别报告员的报告

  文件下载:A_68_283 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants


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