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    谢伏瞻,中国社会科学院原院长、党组书记,学部委员,学... 详情>>



来源:本站原创  作者:本站   发布时间:2009-08-26

         我社财经部与澳大利亚亚太出版社(ASIA PACIFIC PRESS,AUSTRALIA)合作出版的《中国的市场化与经济增长》(CHINA-LINKING MARKETS FOR GROWTH)英文版已于2007年7月初出版。现正加紧其中文版的出版工作。

                                              China - Linking Markets for Growth
Ross Garnaut and Ligang Song (eds)

China's prosperity is at the core of the emerging Platinum Age of global economic growth. Rapid economic growth has been underpinned by expansion in its domestic markets, and the integration of domestic and international markets in goods, services, capital, labour and foreign exchange. Global commodity prices have reached historic highs, while China's capital outflows have helped to hold down interest rates worldwide. Linking markets, both domestic and international, has been key to China's success.

In sustaining its strong economic growth, China has become one of the world's most voracious consumers of energy. The challenge now facing the government and people of China is in achieving cooperation with the international community to avert the costs—both economic and environmental—of accelerating energy consumption.

China - Linking Markets for Growth gathers together leading scholars on China's economic success and its effect on the world economy into the next few decades.
